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Queen’s granddaughter Zara Tindall expecting third child

She already has two daughters with husband Mike.

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Mike Tindall has announced his wife Zara is pregnant with their third child

The Queen’s granddaughter Zara Tindall is pregnant with her third child, her husband has announced.

Former rugby star Mike Tindall revealed the news on a podcast he co-hosts, saying: “It’s been a good week for me, had a little scan last week – third Tindall on its way.”

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are “delighted” by their granddaughter’s pregnancy.

The couple already have two daughters, Mia, six, and two-year-old Lena, and Tindall said he wants their third child to be a boy.

Speaking on The Good, The Bad & The Rugby, Tindall said: “I’d like a boy this time, I’ve got two girls, I would like a boy.

“I’ll love it whether a boy or a girl – but please be a boy.”

To groans from one of his co-hosts, Tindall joked: “We’re not sure what to do Covi or Covina – I don’t know where to go with names.”

On his wife Zara, who has spoken about two miscarriages she has experienced, Tindall added: “Z is very good, always careful because of things that have happened in the past, and really looking forward to it.”

Zara with her eldest child Mia. Andrew Milligan/PA
Zara with her eldest child Mia. Andrew Milligan/PA

Asked about the baby’s due date Tindall remained tight lipped and replied: “We like to play our cards close to the chest.”

But he revealed his eldest child has not been told the good news: “We haven’t told Mia yet because we knew she would tell everyone at school, now that we’ve gone through the scan, yes (of) course we’ll tell her.

“She’ll be happy about it, she’s been requesting another sister or brother, so we’ve hopefully fulfilled that role for her.

“She just wants something different now, Lena’s growing up she’s two-and-a-half now, she wants something younger to play with and dress up.”

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