Express & Star

What the papers say – October 6

Pandemic problems in the UK and across the Atlantic dominate Tuesday’s papers.

A collection of British newspapers

A costly IT error for UK coronavirus tracing and the latest on Donald Trump’s Covid-19 battle splash on many of the front pages.

The Guardian reports contact tracers were “scrambling” to reach up to 50,000 people who were not told to self-isolate following a “spreadsheet blunder”, which Metro describes as a “world-beating fiasco”.

The Health Secretary has admitted the “fiasco” over 16,000 missing positive coronavirus tests is “ongoing” and nearly half the cases have yet to be contacted “to ask for their close contacts”, according to The Independent.

The Daily Star says the Prime Minister’s father has again been caught in a “mask blunder”, while the Daily Express reports the Chancellor has warned of tax increases as the Government tries to pay for its funding of emergency pandemic provisions.

Donald Trump has told Americans not to be afraid of Covid-19, according to The Daily Telegraph, with the i saying the US president claims he has beaten his illness.

The Times reports Boris Johnson will announce offshore wind will power every home in Britain by 2030, in a story also covered by the Daily Mail.

The Financial Times says the International Monetary Fund has urged wealthy western countries including the UK to increase public funding of green technology.

And the Daily Mirror reports two teenage students have been found dead in their halls of residence after allegedly taking ketamine less than 48 hours after arriving at university in Newcastle.

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