Express & Star

Starmer calls on PM to provide ‘clarity and reassurance’ in Covid-19 crisis

The Labour leader calls for an effort to build a ‘better society’ once the pandemic is over.

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Sir Keir Starmer

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has called on Boris Johnson to provide “clarity and reassurance” as the Government begins easing the coronavirus lockdown.

In his response to the Prime Minister’s broadcast on Sunday, Sir Keir said Labour would continue to work constructively with the Government in its response to the pandemic.

At the same time, however, he made clear they would seek to hold ministers to account for their actions.

“What we needed from the Prime Minister last night was clarity and reassurance,” he said.

“The Prime Minister said he was setting out a road map, but if we’re to complete the journey safely a road map needs clear directions. So many of us have questions that need answering.

“For as long as this crisis persists I’ll keep demanding answers to these questions because that’s how we get better decisions and better outcomes.

“I remain committed to working constructively with the Government in the national interest.”

Sir Keir said that as the country emerged from the crisis, there must be a collective effort to build a better society.

“After all this, all the sacrifice and the loss, we can’t go back to business as usual,” he said.

“When we get through this it will be because of the hard work and the bravery of every key worker as they took on this virus and kept our country going.

“In their courage and their sacrifice and their bravery, we can see a better future. This crisis has brought out the resilience and the human spirit in all of us.

“We must go forward with a vision of a better society built on that resilience and built on that human spirit.”

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