Express & Star

Clutha helicopter crash inquiry to publish findings

Three crew members and seven pub-goers died in the incident.

Police and Scottish Fire and Rescue services at the scene of a helicopter crash at the Clutha Bar in Glasgow

Findings from the fatal accident inquiry into the Clutha helicopter crash are set to be published.

Three crew members and seven customers died when a police aircraft fell into the roof of the Glasgow bar on November 29 2013.

A further 31 people in the pub were injured.

An inquiry looking into the incident was announced by the Crown Office in 2017.

Glasgow helicopter crash inquiry
David Traill was pilot of the aircraft which crashed into the popular bar (Police Scotland/PA)

It took place before Sheriff Principal Craig Turnbull between April and August this year.

His determinations are set to be released on Wednesday.

The Air Accidents Investigation Branch previously found the main cause of the incident to be fuel starvation.

Those who were in the helicopter were pilot David Traill, 51, Pc Tony Collins, 43, and Pc Kirsty Nelis, 36.

The seven customers were Gary Arthur, 48; Joe Cusker, 59; Colin Gibson, 33; Robert Jenkins, 61; John McGarrigle, 58; Samuel McGhee, 56; and Mark O’Prey, 44.

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