Express & Star

Police pursuit before fatal crash was correct, watchdog finds

Speeding driver Branden Daniels later crashed his stolen Audi, killing a 20-year-old woman.

Sarah Giles

The police pursuit of a driver who went on to kill a young woman in a crash was properly carried out, an inquiry has concluded.

Sarah Giles, 20, died and her boyfriend was seriously injured after speeding driver Branden Daniels lost control of a stolen Audi A3 and crashed into their vehicle in a 30mph zone.

Daniels, who later admitted causing death and serious injury by dangerous driving, was travelling at speeds of up to 80mph when he ploughed into the VW Golf Miss Giles was travelling in on July 29, last year.

Her boyfriend and another man in the Golf were left in comas for several days, but Miss Giles later died of her injuries.

Following the crash, an investigation into West Midlands Police’s pursuit of Daniels, of Chingford Road, Birmingham, was launched by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).

The watchdog concluded the two police constables involved had acted properly.

IOPC regional director Derrick Campbell said the pursuit had been “authorised, proportionate and (was) carried out in accordance with local and national policy”.

He added: “The police officers drove a safe distance behind the stolen vehicle and ultimately it was the manner in which the Audi was driven which led to such tragic consequences.”

Jailing Daniels, 20, for six years and six months at Birmingham Crown Court in November last year, a judge told him: “She was intelligent, kind and generous.”

Judge Roderick Henderson added: “She was out with her boyfriend – he was completely blameless.

“Nothing I say or do can put the clocks back.”

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