Express & Star

Almost 11,000 drivers still on the road despite receiving at least 12 points

Road safety charity Brake says the system is allowing ‘repeat offenders’ to exploit loopholes in the law.

Some 10,964 drivers have managed to dodge a ban after accruing 12 or more penalty points (Peter Byrne/PA)

Almost 11,000 drivers are still on Britain’s roads despite racking up enough penalty points for a ban.

Analysis of DVLA data reveals that 10,964 drivers have escaped a ban after accruing 12 or more points on their licence – the usual threshold for disqualification.

A 44-year-old man, who lives near the border of Wolverhampton and South Staffordshire, is the country’s worst serial offender, with a whopping 54 points.

Road safety charity Brake says the system is allowing “repeat offenders” to exploit loopholes in the law.

It accused the Government and courts of being “complicit” in putting the public at risk.

A driver with at least 12 points may be permitted to keep their licence if they can convince a magistrate that disqualification would cause “exceptional hardship” to them or an innocent party such as a family member.

The latest figures, which record penalty points as of July, show 254 drivers have at least 20 points, while 30 drivers have at least 30 points.

Once a ban is served, points are wiped from a licence.

Joshua Harris, director of campaigns at Brake, said it is “hugely concerning” that so many offenders are being allowed to keep driving.

He continued: “By ignoring the exploitation of the ‘exceptional hardship’ loophole that allows unsafe drivers to remain on our roads, the Government and courts are complicit in increasing the risk to the public.

“This dangerous loophole must be dealt with as a matter of urgency so that drivers who reach 12 points are automatically disqualified, protecting the general public from harm.

“Driving is a privilege, not a right and if that privilege is not exercised responsibly, it must be taken away.”

Drivers can pick up penalty points – also known as endorsements – for a range of offences.

Speeding or failing to stop at a pedestrian crossing may attract three points and stay on a licence for four years unless they lead to a ban.

More serious offences, such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, could result in up to 11 points and stay on licences for 11 years.

If a driver gets 12 or more points in three years they will usually be banned from driving for six months.

A Ministry of Justice spokesman said: “The vast majority of drivers who get 12 penalty points are automatically disqualified.

“The courts have access to DVLA records which are taken into account, but sentencing is rightly a matter for independent judges based on the facts of each case.”

John Bache, chairman of the Magistrates Association, added: “The process for establishing exceptional hardship is robust – magistrates scrutinise every case very carefully and an individual would only avoid a ban if the magistrates sitting in the case are confident that exceptional hardship would genuinely be caused.”

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