Express & Star

John Swinney seeks to ‘reassure’ critics of controversial P1 tests

The Education Secretary has faced repeated calls to axe the use of national assessments for youngsters in the first year of primary.

John Swinney

Scotland’s Education Secretary said he will try to “reassure” opponents of controversial assessments for P1 pupils, despite facing calls to scrap the tests altogether.

John Swinney said testing of youngsters in the first year of school – which Holyrood has voted against – was part of Scottish Government efforts to close the poverty related attainment gap.

And while he said he was “currently looking at ways to reassure” critics, he accused the Tories and Scottish Labour of using the issue to seek to secure political advantage.

Mr Swinney, who is also Scotland’s Deputy First Minister, said: “The sight of Labour, the Lib Dems and the Tories – the Tories most of all – suddenly discovering that they vehemently oppose P1 assessments after decades of delivering these assessments themselves in councils across the land, is jaw-dropping.”

He told the SNP annual conference in Glasgow: “It is easily the worst example of the tribal, SNP-bad politics of the unionist parties I have seen in years.

“These parties have no right to play politics with the education of Scotland’s children and young people.”

He stressed SNP ministers including First Minister Nicola Sturgeon had “committed ourselves to closing the poverty related attainment gap by delivering excellence and equity for all”.

Mr Swinney added: “Our work is to make sure every young person is able to fulfil their potential regardless of their background.”

He likened the assessments to tests carried out to measure the vocabulary of toddlers soon after their second birthday, saying: “The 27 month vocabulary check is vital to catch communication problems for children before they become entrenched.”

He added: “I apply the same rationale to P1 assessments.

“I know that there are voices who do not agree with the Government on these assessments out of a genuine pursuit of what they believe is best for our children.

“I respect that view and am currently looking at ways to reassure their concerns.

“But I also know political opportunism when I see it.”

He also insisted Scotland’s teachers would be the best paid in the UK, days after salary talks broke down.

Unions are campaigning for a 10% wage rise for teachers, more than the 3% that is being offered by the Scottish Government.

Mr Swinney said there was “much hard bargaining to do” in the negotiations, but added: “I want to say this to you and to every teacher in Scotland – we will make sure the teachers’ pay deal is the best in the UK.

“Guaranteed by your SNP Government. And that’s exactly what the offer on the table delivers.”

The pledge came in a speech in which he said Scots are “better off” thanks to the SNP – which has been in power for 11 years at Holyrood.

He stated: “The majority pay a little less income tax than in the rest of the UK, while we have asked some to pay a little more.”

With polls still showing the party ahead of its rivals, he said the “pretty obvious conclusion” was  “the people of this country think that is a pretty fair idea”.

He continued: “And they think that because they know they are better off with the SNP.

“Per head we have more doctors than the rest of the UK. And more teachers. And dentists. More fire officers. And more police.

“Better off with the SNP. And they are paid better too.”

But Tories hit out at the Education Secretary, with Conservative MSP Liz Smith saying: “The Scottish parliament clearly voted against P1 testing having listened to all the evidence from teachers and educationalists.

“It appears that the SNP simply does not want to listen to any vote with which they disagree.

“Primary 1 teachers are the most important people in this debate.

“There is strong concern that these tests are not in line with the Curriculum for Excellence or in line with other countries which have strong educational outcomes yet do not test children as young as 5.

“They are not seen as standardised or delivering meaningful results and that is why they should be halted.”

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