Express & Star

Families of two Bloody Sunday victims awarded damages by MoD – solicitor

The Ministry of Defence has made payouts to relatives of Gerard McKinney (£625,000) and Michael McDaid (£75,000).

Bloody Sunday mural

The families of two men shot dead on Bloody Sunday have been awarded a total of £700,000 in damages, their solicitor has said.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) payouts to relatives of Gerard McKinney and Michael McDaid come days after a man shot in the face during the notorious Troubles incident in Londonderry was awarded almost £200,000.

The family of Mr McKinney, a 35-year-old married father-of-eight, was awarded £625,000, their solicitor Fearghal Sheils said.

Mr McDaid’s family received £75,000, the lawyer added. In his case the award was lower due to the fact the 20-year-old single man had no dependants when he was killed.

Gerard McKinney
Gerard McKinneywho was killed in 1972 (Bloody Sunday Trust/PA)

Mr Shiels said the awards represented “vindication”.

“This settlement represents a further vindication of the innocence of Gerry McKinney and Michael McDaid, and of all those shot on Bloody Sunday,” he said “It also vindicates their families in bringing these proceedings, but the circumstances in which they were killed must never be forgotten.

“Gerry McKinney had both of his hands raised in the air, and as the Saville Inquiry concluded, he had probably pleaded with the soldier not to shoot, before he was deliberately murdered whilst Michael McDaid’s body was bundled into the rear of an army vehicle with no attempt to provide any medical assistance.”

Last week, Michael Quinn, who was a 17 -year-old A-level student when he was shot in the face and badly injury, was awarded £193,000.

The UK Government apologised for the actions of soldiers in Londonderry in January 1972 after the landmark Saville Inquiry of 2010 found those targeted had been entirely innocent.

Michael McDaid
Michael McDaid’s family also received damages (Bloody Sunday Trust/PA)

The three test cases were taken in Belfast High Court to establish the level of compensation due.

The MoD had not contested liability in the cases.

A number of other awards are anticipated to follow on from the three test cases.

Thirteen people were killed on Bloody Sunday when members of the Parachute Regiment opened fire on a civil rights demonstration.

A 14th victim died months later in hospital.

Police in Northern Ireland launched a murder investigation into the events of Bloody Sunday in 2012.

Prosecutors are currently assessing the evidence against a number of soldiers who were on the streets of Derry on the day.

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