Express & Star

Killer Khalid Masood left jail a Muslim, says childhood friend

Only one man – a 58-year-old arrested in Birmingham – remains in police custody.

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Fears Westminster terrorist Khalid Masood was groomed for extremism in prison have heightened after it was claimed he turned to Islam behind bars.

Counter-terrorism officers have spent days piecing together what led the 52-year-old to shed his birth name and later unleash carnage on the capital.

Only one man, 58, arrested in Birmingham remains in police custody after a 27-year-old man was released with no further action on Saturday. A total of 11 people were initially held after raids across the country.

It remains unclear whether the attack which left four dead and scores injured was carried out alone or with support.

The Saudi Arabian embassy in London said Masood worked in the country, home to some of the most virulent Islamic extremism, for several years, raising the possibility he was radicalised overseas.

A childhood friend of the man then known as Adrian Elms told The Sun newspaper he first emerged as a Muslim after serving a jail sentence.

Mark Ashdown, 52, said: “When he first came out he told me he’d become a Muslim in prison and I thought he was joking. Then I saw he was quieter and much more serious.

“I gave him some cash-in-hand work for a few months as a labourer. He said he needed time to pray and read the Koran – something about finding inner peace.

“There were still flashes of the old Ade, but they were few and far between. I heard he’d split from his partner and got even more deeply into religion. But nothing could have prepared me for hearing his name on the radio.”

His abrupt religious conversion will fuel concerns about the rising threat of criminals being brought under the influence of hardened jihadists while in prison.

Ministers have announced plans to create specialist units within jails to tackle what a government-ordered review last year concluded was a “growing problem”.

His route to extremism could have also come from a stint living in the Middle East.

The Saudi embassy said Masood lived in the country between November 2005 and 2006 and April 2008 and April 2009, during which time he worked as an English teacher on a work visa, travelling to the country again for five days in March 2015.

It said in a statement: “During his time in Saudi Arabia, Khalid Masood did not appear on the security services’ radar and does not have a criminal record in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”

Unarmed Pc Keith Palmer was knifed after the killer blazed a trail of destruction by driving a car at pedestrians on Westminster Bridge and storming the parliamentary estate armed with two knives.

He was then shot dead by police.

The middle-aged Muslim convert was born in Kent, but moved around the country and used a variety of aliases including Adrian Russell Ajao.

Scotland Yard’s head of counter-terrorism Mark Rowley said detectives want to understand his “motivation, preparation and associates” and if he “either acted totally alone, inspired by terrorist propaganda, or if others have encouraged, supported or directed him”.

Detectives have seized 2,700 items from the searches, including “massive amounts” of computer data, while around 3,500 witnesses have been spoken to. Searches at three addresses are continuing.

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