Express & Star

Detectives unravelling final hours of Westminster killer Khalid Masood

Of the 11 people arrested as part of the inquiry, only four remain in custody.

Last updated

A bigger picture of the final hours and violent past of Westminster terrorist Khalid Masood is being created by detectives who are trying to find out if he acted alone or had support.

Seven of those arrested have now been released from police custody and face no further action – two women aged 21 and 26 and four men aged 23, 26, 27 and 28 who were all arrested at addresses in Birmingham.

A 39-year-old woman arrested in east London has been released on bail until late March.

Masood, a middle-aged Muslim convert who killed four people in the outrage before he was shot dead by police, was born Adrian Elms and also called himself Adrian Russell Ajao.

Asked about where the 52-year-old had been radicalised, Scotland Yard’s head of counter-terrorism Mark Rowley said: “Our investigation focuses on understanding his motivation, preparation and associates.

“Whilst there is no evidence of further threats, you will understand our determination to find out if he either acted totally alone, inspired by terrorist propaganda, or if others have encouraged, supported or directed him.”

Asked whether Masood had travelled overseas, the officer said: “We are looking at his history.”

Mr Rowley reiterated Prime Minister Theresa May’s comments in Parliament that, while he had been investigated previously, he has been a “peripheral figure” who was not implicated in any current probe.

Investigators are appealing for people with information about the terrorist to come forward.

“We remain keen to hear from anyone who knew Khalid Masood well, understands who his associates were, and can provide us with information about places he has recently visited,” Mr Rowley said.

“There might well be people out there who did have concerns about Masood but weren’t sure or didn’t feel comfortable for whatever reason in passing information to us. I urge anyone with such information to contact us.”

Police have made three further arrests in connection with the case, two in Manchester and one in Birmingham. In total ten suspects remain in custody, with one woman having been released on police bail.

Searches at three addresses are continuing, while several others have now concluded.

Detectives have seized 2,700 items from the searches, including “massive amounts” of computer data, while around 3,500 witnesses have been spoken to.

Police pictured outside a property in Didsbury as the inquiry into Wednesday's terror attack in Westminster continues
Police pictured outside a property in Didsbury as the inquiry into Wednesday’s terror attack in Westminster continues (Peter Byrne/PA)
Two arrests were made in Manchester in connection with the Westminster attack
Two arrests were made in Manchester in connection with the Westminster attack (Peter Byrne/PA)

A clearer picture of Masood’s movements before he wrought carnage on Westminster is beginning to emerge.

He stayed in the Preston Park Hotel in Brighton, reportedly telling staff as he checked out that he was going to London. He added: “It isn’t what it used to be.”

The manager of the hotel said the terrorist had been “laughing and joking, telling us stories about where he lived”, hours before the atrocity.

Alice Williams, landlady of the Rose and Crown pub in the village of Beckley, near Rye, where Masood would sometimes drink, described him as “intelligent but odd”.

Mrs Williams, 59, said: “He was very intelligent but always slightly sinister. He would do the Telegraph crossword and, to be fair, would make intelligent conversation, but he was a bit racist.”

Masood was known to police and MI5 and had convictions for assaults, including grievous bodily harm, possession of offensive weapons and public order offences.

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