Seven stunning sunset scenes snapped by Express & Star followers
Our region has been treated to some incredible sunsets lately - and the photographers among have you jumped at the opportunity to snap some colourful scenes of the skies.
By Rob Smith

Factors like the sun being lower in the sky, cleaner air and a lack of humidity tends to imbue the colder months' sunsets and sunrises with a more spectacular spectrum of colours for longer.
Here are some of our favourite pictures taken over the last few days by our talented readers and followers on Instagram (@expressandstar):
West Park in Wolverhampton, photographed by Lyndsay Anderson

Milking Bank in Dudley, photographed by Melvin Cooper

Haden Hill, photographed by Gemma Cross

Canals in Wordsley, photographed by Sally Shillingford/@sally_ann_photography_xx

Have you got a photo from around the West Midlands you're proud of and would like to shout about? Email it to or tag it with #expressandstar on Instagram to share it with us.