Brexit Party hits back over 'fascist' claims
The Brexit Party has hit back after its members were accused of being "far right" and "fascist" by a Labour MEP at an election count.

Neena Gill, who was re-elected to represent the West Midlands at last months European elections, vowed to help destroy Nigel Farage's party, calling it a "destructive, disruptive force in British politics".
She said Brexit Party supporters attempted to drown out her victory speech at Birmingham's ICC, booing and telling her to “f*** off” and “go home”.
But her version of events has been disputed by people present at the May 26 count, who say Ms Gill stirred up animosity by comparing the Brexit Party to a "fascist regime".
Brexit Party MEP Martin Daubney said: "There was absolutely no animosity or hostility until the precise moment she referred to us in those highly abusive terms.
"Neena Gill's version of events is a cynical misrepresentation of what happened."
Mr Daubney added that suggesting any of the reaction was in reference to Ms Gill's race was "a grotesque fabrication" by the Labour MEP.
Vishal’s Khatri, a British Asian Brexit Party candidate who was also at the count, said he was "horrified" by Ms Gill's comments, saying her "vile and disgusting smear" was aimed at "promoting hate and divisiveness".
“Neena’s poisonous rhetoric is not just designed to shame white people, but she uses it to bully and control the BAME community into towing the line and voting Labour.
"But we are beginning to wake up to her dirty tricks. We can no longer be controlled in this divisive way.
“It is just a way to intimidate people, and again to deflect from their own short comings.
"They are the ones being investigated for anti-Semitism, so how dare they come out and make allegations against us here at the Brexit Party where we have the most diverse range of candidates."
The Brexit Party won 38 per cent of the West Midlands vote and returned three MEPs. Labour took 17 per cent and has one MEP.
Brexit Party Candidate: Comments leave 'negative mark on history'
Writing in the Express & Star, Brexit Party member Vishal Khatri, a candidate at last month's European elections, says Labour MEP Neena Gill's comments will leave a negative mark on history.
I was horrified and shocked at Neena comparing us to a racist and fascist regime, although depressingly it sums up Labour’s entirely negative messaging and behaviour over the years.
It’s designed to cover up for their own failings, whereby they attack others, make up vile and disgusting smears to deflect the attention from their own massive failures, such as the anti Semitism scandal that is engulfing their party, writes Vishal Khatri.
This was quite visible as even when our noble candidate Martin Daubney went over to congratulate them on their result in Birmingham, he was met with a very frosty response by the Labour candidates and supporters.
Neena Gill’s response was truly vile, is promoting hate and divisiveness. In a lot of ways I am ashamed to be calling her part of the British Indian community, as this is not how a majority of us behave.
Our large British Indian communities have contributed to so many positive aspects of society, but Neena’s behaviour in this instance will leave a negative mark on history forever.
By playing this dirty form of politics she is attempting to divide the Asian communities by turning them on one another.
Across the campaign trail, I have come across so many great people, but the one point I would like to highlight which is very worrying was the silent BAME Brexit party supporters from who felt intimidated and feared repercussions from their communities for openly supporting the Brexit Party.
I find this a truly sad day for democracy when people cannot openly discuss their views in fear of being punished for them or isolated.
This comes back to my earlier point behaviour such as what Neena Gill and many Labour party candidates/mp’s have displayed labelling any individual or group who they don’t agree with.
Neena’s poisonous rhetoric is not just designed to shame white people, but she uses it to bully and control the BAME community into towing the line and voting Labour.
But we are beginning to wake up to her dirty tricks. We can no longer be controlled in this divisive way.
It is just a way to intimidate people, and again to deflect from their own short comings.
They are the ones being investigated for anti-Semitism, so how dare they come out and make allegations against us here at the Brexit Party where we have the most diverse range of candidates.
I urge each and every one of those silent Brexit Party supporters in the Asian community to come out make your voice heard and I will stand with you, the Brexit party is the only party that is standing for democracy, and we will largely deliver on your interests as a nation.
When I came out and decided to stand as Brexit Party candidate I was truly taken aback by the amount of love and support I received from all communities so please don’t be afraid to express yourselves, this is a democracy.
I am a proud Brexiteer who believes the world is bigger than Europe, we should be reaching out to our friends and partners across the world; in India, across the Commonwealth, South Africa, Australia, the USA.
I love Europe, but I do not agree with the whole concept of the European Union as it is only self-serving to them and does not bare our interests as a nation.
I believe our nation which I love so much, needs to be independent of such restrictions to flourish and be at its best.