More misery for commuters as Stourbridge Shuttle taken out of service
Commuters in the Black Country have suffered more public transport misery as a shuttle line announced it would not be running.

Pre Metro Operations, who operate The Stourbridge Shuttle, announced that due to ongoing vehicle maintenance, the shuttle is out of service until April 8.
The service is considered to be the shortest branch line in Europe, at three quarters of a mile long.
It runs to and from Stourbridge Town Station and Stourbridge Junction Station, with its rail cars making 214 trips every weekday.
A statement read: "The Shuttle is out of service due to ongoing vehicle maintenance.
"We will update our passengers as and when service will return.
"In the meantime, replacement bus services are in operation."
It comes after the region’s trams were taken off track earlier this month after cracks were discovered in the door frames of vehicles from the Metro’s older fleet.
Currently, no date has been set for when the trams will return, with Andy Street holding urgent talks with senior executives from Spanish manufacturer CAF on Tuesday.