Express & Star

Man seriously injured as car crashes 15 metres down Bridgnorth embankment

A man has suffered potentially serious injuries after crashing down an embankment in Bridgnorth.


The incident happened at about 9.30pm on Thursday at the junction of the A458 and Ludlow Road.

It involved a car which crashed into street furniture before leaving the road and falling about 15 metres down an embankment, with the driver trapped inside.

Fire crews used cutting and spreading equipment and worked with paramedics to remove the roof and driver's door of the vehicle and free the man, who was taken to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.

West Midlands Ambulance Service sent a community first responder, two ambulances, a paramedic officer and the MERIT [medical emergency response intervention team] trauma doctor and critical care paramedic to the scene.

A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokeswoman said: “Crews arrived at the scene to find the car had travelled about 15 metres down the embankment, with the driver, a man, still trapped in the vehicle.

“Fire colleagues worked to remove the roof and driver door of the car in order for crews to safely assess the patient.

“The man was treated at the scene for potentially serious injuries and was conveyed to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham on blue lights and sirens, with the MERIT team travelling on board.”

Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service sent two appliances including the rescue tender and crews from Bridgnorth, Much Wenlock, and Wellington fire stations. An operations officer was also in attendance.

West Mercia Police were at the scene and closed the road until about 3am.