Closed multi-storey car park facing demolition in £1.3m plan
A £1.3 million bid is being made to demolish an eyesore car park paving the way for the regeneration of part of West Bromwich town centre.
The Queens Square car park, which opened in the early 1970s, has been largely closed off due to safety fears for the last few years.
A report to Sandwell Council’s cabinet next Wednesday reveals the authority has now applied to West Midlands Combined Authority for a £1.3m grant to fund the demolition of the car park and the development of a business case for the proposed regeneration scheme.
Demolishing the car park – which has needed regular repairs to stay open and become too costly to maintain – will clear the way for new development boosting the Bull Street end of the town.
The car park has not been fully operational since the upper levels and the lifts became unserviceable about four years ago.
The demolition could create up to 14,772 square metres of floor space for new developments.
A Sandwell Council spokesman said: “After the car park is demolished the site will become a vital part of the jigsaw of development activity planned for the town centre area by our regeneration team.
“This will help us to revitalise that part of the town and improve things for local people and visiting shoppers.”
Reports to cabinet state: “There is a significant identified need for investment within the eastern quarter of West Bromwich town centre (Bull Street) to build upon recent regeneration projects which have significantly enhanced the strength of the main High Street offer.
“The multi-storey car park is dilapidated and considered to be in poor overall condition that blights the visual amenity of the Bull Street area. A structural survey and options report relating to its condition and potential repair has been undertaken and on further inspection, due to risks to public safety, Urban Design Building Services Officers have recommended closure and demolition.”
The Queens Square car park, was closed completely to shoppers in October.
Original plans for the car park site included creating an ice rink to build on the number of visitors coming to the then-newly opened New Square centre.
But the plans with firm Planet Ice never came to fruition and were called a ‘dead project’ in 2016.
Sandwell councillors will discuss the report at their cabinet meeting next Wednesday.