Express & Star

Self-driving snowploughs could save airport runways in snowy spells

Autonomous snowploughs have effectively cleared snow from an airport runway for the first time.

Driverless snowploughs could clear runways (Yeti Snow Technology/PA)

For the first time, a driverless snowplough has successfully cleared snow from a runway during a test at a Norwegian airport.

The plough, which is 20 metres long and 5.5 metres wide, can clear an area of 357,500 square meters an hour fully autonomously.

The project is developed by Yeti Snow Technology, which is co-owned by Semcon and airport vehicle developer Overaasen. It aims to increase efficiency and reduce delays at airports in snowy conditions.

The aim of driverless snowploughs is to boost efficiency and cut delays (Yeti Snow Technology/PA)

“An airport is like a miniature society with clear and ambitious targets for the business. If we can get self-driving vehicles to operate there we can apply the technology to any field whatsoever.”

It is hoped that the ploughs will operate in difficult and snowy conditions, and will be a solution to poor visibility during bad weather spells.

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