Express & Star

Electric car charging point plans fall flat after councils fail to sign up for Government cash

Not one council in the Black Country and Staffordshire has signed up for a Government-funded scheme to install electric roadside charge points for motorists.

The Government has announced its plan to phase out petrol and diesel cars by 2040

More than £4m is available under the On-Street Residential Scheme, which was launched in 2016.

It offers money to pay for 75 per cent of any street charge point installation, granting up to £7,500 per charger.

However, no council in the Express & Star region has taken advantage of the money incentive.

This is despite a 35 per cent increase in the sale of electric cars last year.

Only Portsmouth, Cambridge, Luton, Kettering and Kensington and Chelsea have taken up on the offer.

Cannock Chase Council Councillor Paul Woodhead, of the Green Party, said: "If councils have the opportunity they should be taking advantage of the cash incentive.

"Electric cars are the way we are going so this has to be taken into account when planning transport infrastructure."

Staffordshire County Council and Walsall Council said funding offered was not enough to make the scheme viable.

Staffordshire County Council's Councillor Helen Fisher, cabinet support member of highways and transport, said: “The county council is keen to explore any options to promote and deliver sustainable transport in Staffordshire, including the Government residential charging point scheme which is set to run over the next two financial years.

“The current scheme requires 25 per cent funding from participating councils which would need careful consideration when taking into account other financial pressures from social care to road repairs."

She added that electric charging points had been installed in Stafford town centre and County Hospital four years ago.

Walsall Councillor Lee Jeavons, portfolio holder for transport said: “One of the key barriers to introducing such a scheme is that there needs to be a local contribution from local authorities and with council budgets already stretched, this continues to prove a challenge.

"The council is currently looking at identifying where funding could be allocated to take forward such a scheme."

He added that under new planning guidance, new developments were required to offer electric charging points.

Dudley Council and Sandwell Council said the scheme could be entered as part of a joint partnership with neighbouring authorities.

Sandwell Councillor David Hosell, cabinet member for highways and environment, said: “This funding is being discussed at a Black Country transport officers meeting later this month to look at how we and neighbouring councils can access this at a Black Country level.

"It’s important that we develop a solution that is fit for purpose prior to securing funding."

A spokesman for Dudley Council said talks were expected with neighbouring councils in the near future ahead of a potential bid.