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Twitter has some new threads but users are split on the change

Users can now create multiple-tweet threads in one go.

(Andrew Matthews/PA)

Twitter has begun rolling out a new feature to help users more easily post threads of tweets in one go.

A new plus button will now enable users to compose multiple threaded tweets at once before posting them all simultaneously.

The new feature is steadily rolling out over the coming weeks but strong opinions are already forming on the site over the move.

The social media platform has undergone several notable changes in recent months, most strikingly doubling the character limit of a tweet to 280 characters.

In a blog post on the new feature, Twitter said it was aiming to give users another vehicle to express themselves.

“A few weeks ago, we expanded our character count to make it easier for people to fit what they’re thinking into a tweet,” product manager Sasank Reddy wrote.

“But we know people also may want to serialise a longer story or thought, or provide ongoing commentary on an event or topic.

“That’s where this update to threads comes in! You’ve been using threads in creative ways like these for years – the ways and reasons to thread your Tweets are limited only by your imagination.”

The feature is being made available to both iOS and Android mobile users, and on

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