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This crow-sized dinosaur may have struggled to fly because of its ‘fluffy’ feathers

Researchers believe the Anchiornis were not as good at regulating temperature and repelling water as modern birds.

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(Rebecca Gelernter/University of Bristol)

A “fluffy” dinosaur covered in primitive feathers may have been hampered in its early attempts at flight, research suggests.

The crow-sized dinosaur Anchiornis had feathers that fluffed up rather than lying flat like those of modern birds, a new study has shown.

They would probably have caused drag when the creature tried to glide between trees, say scientists.

Fossil feather comparison.
The scientists created a picture of the dinosaur after examining its fossils (University of Bristol)

Anchiornis had four “wings” consisting of feather-covered arms and legs that may have helped it to glide before the evolution of powered flight.

The scientists built up what they claimed to be a highly accurate picture of the dinosaur after closely examining its fossils.

Anchiornis dinosaur research
A new depiction of Anchoirnis and its contour feather (Rebecca Gelernter/University of Bristol)

The scientists investigated feather structure in several dinosaur specimens from museums in China and Germany.

The findings are reported in the journal Paleontology.

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