7 of the scariest places on Google Street View
Whether it’s abandoned cities, a host of creepy dolls or people with pigeon heads, there’s plenty of weirdness out there.

Google sends camera crews across the world to provide its Street View service, which gives users a first-person, ground-level look at the areas they are searching for.
With so many pictures taken and so much of the world to see, Street View is a treasure trove of quirky finds.
Ever the fountain of knowledge, Reddit users have been offering the scariest places they’ve ever found on their journey through Google’s archive – here’s seven of the best.
1. “Try Nagoro, Japan. I won’t give you specific co-ordinates, it’s only small. Just wander round looking at the dolls. An old lady makes a new doll every time someone in the village dies.” – ithoughtyousaidgoat

However, Ayano soon started to create them to replace people who had left the village or passed away – creating well over a hundred of them.

Google’s cameramen even went inside some of the houses, which don’t look like somewhere you’d want to stay the night…

It turns out this area is actually in Florianopolis in Brazil, and the picture of the crossroads themselves looks innocuous.

You might recognise it from Skyfall, James Bond’s 2012 outing.

“This residential street in Joplin, Missouri looks vastly different depending on whether you’re looking at before or after May 22, 2011.” – SmoreOfBabylon

Yes – that probably is enough internet for one day.