Express & Star

This self-making duvet sets different temperatures depending on which side of the bed you sleep

Just in case you needed more of a reason to have a self-making bed.


A Canadian company has created a duvet which can not only make the bed for you, but also set a different temperature for each side of the bed.

The smart duvet's temperatures

The Smartduvet Breeze is apparently the world’s first dual-zone climate-controlled self-making bed, and allows users to control the temperature in which they sleep through an application on their phone.

A thermal image of the duvet

The innovative piece of technology slots inside the duvet cover, on top of a normal duvet, and uses air pumped into the thin sheet to both make the bed and control the duvet’s temperature.

A network of smaller channels in the sheet deliver conditioned air without inflating the main air chamber and thus making the bed – while each side of the duvet is able to produce a different temperature as instructed by the user from the app.

The app in use

Smartduvet claims the Breeze could significantly lower energy costs by allowing users to heat or cool their body directly rather than managing the temperature of their whole home.

The house picture

This new innovation is a follow up to a successful campaign on Kickstarter from the new company for its original product, their original self-making bed – the Smartduvet.

The company says self-making beds could be a time saver for those in a hurry and a helping hand for people with mobility issues or who can’t otherwise make the bed themselves.

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