Plans for 109 homes at village to set be decided in face of significant opposition from locals
Controversial plans to build 109 homes on the edge of a village are once again set to be determined early next week.

The plans were previously presented to the planning committee at Lichfield District Council however before the application was discussed councillors were told for a variety of reasons it should be deferred to carry out a site visit.
The 4.5-hectare residential development in Fradley is set to be accessed from Horner Avenue and Ward Close. If approved it would deliver 109 homes with 31 being classed as affordable.
Since the site visit conducted on 21 May, no material changes have been made to the application. Planning officers have once again recommended that the development be approved.
The houses would be split into 97 two-, three- and four-bedroom houses along with two three-storey apartment blocks each containing six flats. The apartments would be an equal mix of both one and two bedrooms.
However there have been significant objections to the scheme and local ward councillor, Mike Wilcox, called in the application to the committee on the grounds that the access arrangements are unacceptable and the land had been earmarked for employment. Since the previous committee meeting Fradley Parish Council has also confirmed its “unequivocal opposition” to the scheme.
In a letter dated July 10, the parish council stated: “Fradley Parish Council maintains its unequivocal opposition to the Horner Avenue Development. Our Council has objected repeatedly to this unwelcome and poorly conceived proposal, providing strong material reasons why the development should not go ahead.

“We urge Councillors on the Planning Committee to study these previous submissions carefully. Paramount amongst our concerns is the safety of our residents, both during construction and once the development is built.”
The development would contribute three allotments on site; £1,533,776.60 education contribution to fund both primary and secondary school places; a healthcare contribution of £70,849; along with smaller contributions to Cannock Chase, a travel for both residents and school.
Since the site visit despite additional responses from neighbouring properties raising highway concerns, Staffordshire County Council Highways have not changed their recommendation of no objection providing conditions are applied to the scheme.

The report to councillors states: “The proposed erection of 109 dwellings is considered to present a sustainable and appropriate form of development within this location. Whilst the site is allocated for employment development, the allocation does not preclude other uses subject to clear criteria. In this case, the access to the site could not support a range of employment uses. Land ownership issues prevent alternative access points from coming forward.
“The principle of development is considered to be acceptable in that the application site lies in a sustainable location adjacent to the settlement boundary of Fradley and existing residential development.
“The highway impacts of the proposal have been fully addressed and the County Highways Authority and National Highways no longer raise any technical objections to the scheme. The proposals include provisions for off-site highway works to support the development.
“The overall design of the scheme has been amended and is considered to be acceptable, and the development would provide an acceptable level of amenity for both existing neighbouring occupiers and future residents with appropriate access to local facilities and sustainable transport modes”
The application is set to be determined by the Lichfield District Council planning committee on Monday, July 29, at 6pm.