Bid to 'transform' neglected space on business park fails
A bid to transform ‘neglected’ space at a Willenhall business park into a new development has failed.
Bosses at Invicta Works, on Owen Road, wanted to create a new industrial unit on land currently being used to store vehicles in a bid to "reinvigorate" the area, boost the economy and create new jobs.
However, the proposal has fallen short with Walsall Council planning officers rejecting the application, the main reason being concerns over highway safety on the site.
Officers said other concerns about the impact on neighbours and surface stability could be mitigated through conditions and with the applicant providing additional information but, as this hadn’t materialised, they remained issues.
In their application, agents Excel Planning said: “Since December 1999 (and likely prior), this space has been used as a place where vehicles have been stored, in most cases in a state where vehicles are beyond repair.
“The result has, and continues to be, a dilapidated space of great potential, that is now occupied by heaped, indiscernible debris, disused vehicles and scrap metal/material.
“No discernible change has occurred since 1999, often the amount of vehicles varying, however, there has been no material change to the site itself.
“The proposed application seeks to reinvigorate an area of land that has long since been neglected and contribute positively to the economy.”
They added: “We are committed to delivering a high-quality development in a location that is fit for purpose.
“The proposal is an effective use of an area of land allocated for industrial use thus increasing access to employment in the area.
“The current site presents a fabulous opportunity for redevelopment and reinvigoration through a high quality, purpose-built production warehouse that will meet the current and future needs of the area.”