Housing developer submits plans to build 130 homes in village
Plans have been lodged to build 130 houses in a village.

Bloor Homes has submitted a formal planning application to South Staffordshire District Council to build the homes next to neighbouring Bilbrook Mill in Bilbrook.
It is planned that 40 per cent of the houses will be affordable. This will break down as 50 per cent social rented; 25 per cent shared ownership and 25 per cent First Homes.
The site is located on greenfield land, however one of the major issues is the council does not currently have a five-year housing supply. This means that there is a presumption in favour of sustainable development.
Bloor Homes have run a number of consultation events ahead of submitting the application to the council. As part of this process Bloor Homes have made changes to the proposals for the site in response to feedback from the local community.
The 6.83 hectare site is proposed to have a green corridor running through to enhance biodiversity in the area.
Access to the houses will be Pendeford Mill Lane and will have new footway provision on both the east and west sides of the access road. It is envisaged that each of the houses will have a driveway which will prevent the build up of cars on the road.
The planning statement states: “The Council is currently in the process of preparing a new Local Plan which,upon adoption, will replace the Core Strategy and Site Allocations Document. Land to the East of Bilbrook is identified as a strategic allocation through emerging Policy SA1 for a minimum of 848 homes alongside the required supporting infrastructure.”
Residents will have until Thursday, February 8 to submit a comment to planning officers at South Staffordshire District Council.