Inside Wolverhampton nightclub on market for £650,000 that was forced to close after man was stabbed
The home of what was once a popular Wolverhampton nightclub is on the market after its forced closure.

CRC and Manhattan's on Piper's Row was stripped of its licence and forced to close down after a man was assaulted at the club on Christmas Eve.
The man was assaulted at the nightclub between 1am and 2am on December 24.

It was said that the club did not have 'appropriate measures' in place to prevent a knife being brought into the premises.

As a result, the club's licence was suspended by the licensing sub-committee on January 5, and permanently revoked following a further hearing on January 30.
After the licensing hearing in January, Sergeant Steph Reynolds, of Wolverhampton Police Licensing, said: "We cannot tolerate premises where appropriate measures are either not in place or not managed correctly and a knife can be brought in with the risk of or, as in this case, resulting in someone being injured.