Back garden bungalow plans approved in Hednesford
Three bungalows are set to be built in the back gardens of two Hednesford homes – but community leaders and residents are concerned about extra traffic on the already busy road.

Cannock Chase Council previously granted permission for three new homes to be built at the back of existing properties in Pye Green Road in 2017.
However the development was affected by the coronavirus pandemic and a new planning application came forward last year.
On Wednesday Cannock Chase Council’s planning committee unanimously approved the latest proposals for three dormer bungalows and a new access off Pye Green Road.
John Reynolds, an agent who spoke in support of the proposals, told the committee: “This application is a resubmission. Due to Covid the original planning permission was not activated.
“Apart from some minor amendments the current application is the same as the previous approved application. Objections from neighbours and the parish council have been addressed.”
Five residents raised concerns about the plans, including loss of privacy to nearby homes, inadequate site access, over-development and the effect on a neighbouring social club.
Hednesford Town Council also objected to the application because of a potential increase in traffic on Pye Green Road.
A report to the planning committee said: “HTC has regular engagement with residents in that locality concerning the increased traffic flow on Pye Green Road between Broadhurst Green and Rose Hill, and also the excessive speeds noted by local Speed Indicator Devices and local Speed Watch volunteers.
“Vehicles emerging from this proposed development have an obstructed view up the hill in the direction of Broadhurst Green.”
A neighbour who spoke against the plans at Wednesday’s meeting said residents’ walls had been damaged by vehicles on a number of occasions and an average speed of 45mph had been recorded along that stretch of road, which has a 30mph limit.
But committee member Councillor Mike Hoare said: “A lot of the things being objected to aren’t in our remit. We can’t say that’s a reason to stop it.”