Express & Star

Concerns over plans to extend Sedgley home into ancient woodland

Objections have been made against a homeowner's plan to extend their property into ancient woodland.

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The applicant's address. Photo: Google

Twenty-one objections have been submitted to Dudley Council in response to the planning application at Number 9 Melford Close, Sedgley.

The applicant is seeking to build a two-storey side and rear extension to their home, which would take land from Alder Coppice Local Nature Reserve.

Friends of Alder Coppice Local Nature Reserve says it is fighting the planning application.

A tree protection officer has recommended Dudley Council's planning committee refuse the application, on the grounds that "the boundary of the site appears to have encroached into Alder Coppice, without first purchasing the land from the local authority".

The officer cited the council's own planning policy, which says that "development which would adversely affect ancient woodland and ancient trees will not be permitted".

Among the objections was one made by a volunteer of the friends group.

The Sedgley resident, who lives on Eversley Grove, said: "As a volunteer at the Friends of Alder Coppice LNR [Local Nature Reserve], I object to this encroachment into the woods and believe that allowing this planning to go ahead would set an irreversible precedent for similar actions in the future."

The proposed planning application. Photo: Dudley Council

Another resident, who lives on Long Meadow Drive, said: "If this application is approved it sets a dangerous precedent for future encroachment.

"The volunteers of Friends of Alder Coppice, like myself, have worked hard over a number of years to safeguard the woodland and to make it an area of nature that all the local residents can enjoy.

"During some of our work sessions in the woodlands local residents often remark to us that they really do appreciate the work that has been completed to make the space an enjoyable one to visit."


Sedgley ward councillor Michael Evans said he would be supporting the friends group.

He said: "I am a very strong supporter of Alder Coppice Nature Reserve.

"I am extremely concerned when I see someone trying to take land away from Alder Coppice. I certainly wouldn't support an application of that kind."

Integrated Designs and Associates Ltd is the acting agent for the applicant.

Ash Sehdeva, who is a building surveyor at the firm, said: "Their main concern is it is going to set a precedent.

"In this case, this won't happen, the reason being, it is a very particular case. The client has been maintaining this land, or living in the house, since 1972.

"There are no habitats in the area of the proposed build.

"There will be no demolition and no taking down of any trees. There will be no interruption or disruption of any of the wildlife there.

"There is no nests anywhere in the vicinity of the proposed."

Asked about the border extending into the nature reserve, he said: "When we apply for that, we apply to acquire the land off the council, due to the fact it has been maintained.

"It is a standard law in the UK that is used quite often."

Dudley Council's planning committee will decide on the plans at a future date.