Draft plan published for future development in Bridgnorth
A group dedicated to sustainable development in Bridgnorth has published a draft of its final town plan.

The draft version of the Bridgnorth Plan contains information and data on what the area needs for growth to be sustainable and fitting within the current environment.
It has been created by the Bridgnorth Plan Steering Group, which is chaired by Morfe ward representative, Councillor Clive Dyson, and contains a number of community groups and interested parties.
A number of issues are highlighted within the draft document, including the need for additional housing, employment sites and job creation, sport and leisure, retail and transport.
The draft version states that houses outlined in Shropshire's SAMDev plan should be a priority before additional sites at Tasley or Stanmore are considered.
It states: "Our main recommendations are that housing growth around Bridgnorth is limited to 1,100 new dwellings from 2019 to 2038, including those approved under SAMDev.
"There is significant support for this level of housing growth, although there is also opposition to any growth at all.
"We recommend that this limit should only be reviewed (at a subsequent review of the Local Plan) if the local employment growth target is achieved.
"The employment land already allocated under SAMDev should be sufficient to meet need through to about 2036.
"We tentatively support the allocation of additional employment land, probably around Stanmore and Tasley, for use if needed beyond that date."
The final document was due to be used as an input into Shropshire Council's Local Plan Review, which sets out where housing and business land should be built throughout the county up until 2038.
It also states main considerations to be: "An action group (Future Bridgnorth) be formed as rapidly as possible to coordinate support for Bridgnorth, attract funding and regional and government support, and progress many of the issues in this first edition of the Bridgnorth Plan.
"Any growth in employment and housing should only proceed once commitment to and funding for the necessary improvements to the local infrastructure has been confirmed."
Anyone wanting to get involved with the Bridgnorth Plan or find out more can contact Councillor Dyson at counc.clive.dyson@gmail.com or 01746907764.