Plan lodged for 70 homes in Norton Canes
A development of 70 new homes could be built in a Staffordshire village if plans are given the green light.

A plan has been submitted for a mix of flats and houses in Burntwood Road, Norton Canes.
Cameron Homes Ltd has submitted plans for a mix of one, two, three and four-bedroom homes, of which 14 would be affordable.
Two new access points are proposed for the development on Burntwood Road along with new pedestrian routes within the site and on to Burntwood Road, and 138 car parking spaces.
Agent William Brearley says in the plans: "The proposed residential area will be 2.1 hectares.The development proposals will deliver a mix of housing in line with the national and local policy. 20 per cent affordable housing will be provided on site.
"The detailed layout has been developed to positively respond to the principles established by the outline consent.
"This scheme has been successfully developed as a response to the existing constraints and opportunities of the site as a natural and logical extension to the north of Norton Canes.
"The layout is designed to create a well-defined series of streets and spaces throughout the site with a mix of dwelling types, use of key landmark buildings, building materials and parking typologies.
"The character of the site will be reinforced by two varying character areas, each with a distinct and recognisable makeup. The 'Green Edge' will provide a softer rural feel while the 'Development Core' will provide a more formal urban arrangement."
Of the houses, two would be one-bedroom flats, 10 would be two-bedroom houses, 28 houses would have three bedrooms and 30 houses would have four.
A 'green infrastructure network' is included as part of the plans which involves areas of informal public open space, retained trees and hedgerows, new surface water management features and a reptile protection area.
The site is currently grassland.
Outline planning permission was granted in December 2017 for the erection of 65 houses.
Cannock Chase Council will make a decision on the plans in the coming months.