Express & Star

1,600 West Midlands homes left empty despite big waiting list

More than 1,600 council properties across the region are standing empty while families wait on a list for a home, it can be revealed today.


Some 35,000 people are currently on waiting lists – and 1,649 homes are not being used.

Councils insist the figures are decreasing and say they are working to bring properties back into use.

In Wolverhampton, there are 12,213 people on the housing register. There are 320 council homes available to let, which includes 78 adapted and former sheltered scheme properties.

Wolverhampton Homes spokeswoman Kate Hughes said most of the homes that are currently empty have been offered to prospective tenants through the Homes in the City scheme and are ready for them to move in.

In Dudley, there are 554 empty properties, with 6,782 people on the council house waiting list.

A total of 4,000 applicants are waiting for homes with the Walsall Housing Group. As part of an overhaul of the system, all applicants who still want a social housing property were recently asked to re-register.

There are currently 426 empty properties, and lettings manager Sarah Johnson said: "Void properties are our number one priority, and my post is one of two new roles aimed at reducing the time it takes between one resident moving out and another moving in. We are taking a dual look at the issue, working on the repairs side, too, and also matching people to homes.

"Thanks to the re-registration process, which ended in June, we have a clearer idea of the type of property people want, and the extent of housing need, and the challenge now is to match those people to the homes we have available."

Sandwell Homes have 10,412 people on their housing waiting list – and 297 empty properties. The number in March was 431.

Councillor Simon Hackett, cabinet member for housing said: "With an ever-increasing need for council housing, we need to make sure we make the best possible use of the housing stock we have, this means being creative and innovative."

In South Staffordshire, there are 2,448 people on the waiting list, with 52 properties vacant, including 25 currently under offer.