Express & Star

Send money not donations to Ukraine, MP urges

A Black Country MP is urging people to give money to help Ukraine instead of sending supplies - as donations are causing logistical problems on the Ukraine borders.

MP Suzanne Webb says the best way to help Ukraine in the UK is to donate money not goods

Stourbridge MP Suzanne Webb is urging anyone who wants to help the country to donate to the Disaster Emergency Committee fund, with the government agreeing to match public donations pound-for-pound up to £20 million.

It comes after the Ukrainian Ambassador told MPs in Parliament this week that the best way to help Ukraine was to donate money so supplies could be bought in bordering countries such as Poland.

Dealing with huge amounts of food, clothes, toys and other supplies from the UK, although well meaning, is causing extra work on the border sorting the parcels out.

It is also clogging up vital supply routes which are being used to deliver food, medicines and military equipment.

People can also donate to any of the numerous charities and non-governmental organisations that are already working on the ground, which have also asked for cash donations rather than goods.

Ms Webb said: “The response from the people of Stourbridge to the appalling situation in Ukraine has been magnificent and I know people want to collect goods and send them on and I thank everyone for doing this.

“But Ukraine borders quite a few affluent EU countries. There are plenty of goods in the shops there. What is really needed is the money to buy supplies so they can be shipped the shorter distances into Ukraine to help people there or to help those who have fled the fighting in places like Poland.

“Right now, the best way to assist the people of Ukraine is through a cash donation.”