Express & Star

Wolverhampton North East election result: Defeat 'no surprise' to outgoing Tory as Labour reclaim seat

Labour's Sureena Brackenridge has taken Wolverhampton North East back from the Conservatives.

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Tory Jane Stevenson failed to clinch 10,000 votes in her first defence of the seat she won in 2019. However, the defeat came as no surprise to Mrs Stevenson who explained she "had known from the start of the campaign if the right wing splits then Labour are let through the middle."

Mrs Stevenson's 8,860 votes and third place Reform UK candidate Peter Thornton's 7,721 votes combined would have beaten the Labour victor's 14,282 total.

The outgoing MP made an emotional concession speech after losing her seat.

Jane Stevenson lost her Wolverhampton North East sear

She said: "It has been the biggest honour of my life to represent the city I love - Wolverhampton. No Government could have dealt with a global catostrophes of the global pandemic and an energy crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, we had to spend £500 billion on furlough alone.

"On election nights like this maths matters, if you split the votes which leads to right, however it is split then you let Labour through the middle. The problem of immigration has been brought up on more doorsteps than any other issue.

"In many seats like this, the combined vote of Reform and Conservatives is more than the Labour vote, so the people have spoken about immigration and Labour has to solve that problem."

She added: "I wish Labour nothing but success, before parties, and jobs is the good of the country. But the seeds have been sown in Wolverhampton, I am proud of what we have achieved. We might not have had the slickest office in Westminster but we had the kindest, and I am proud of the people we have helped. I wish Sureena the very best."

Mrs Brackenridge, who was flanked at the count by her husband and former Mayor of Wolverhampton Greg Brackenridge, paid an emotional tribute to former Wolverhampton Council leader Councillor Ian Brookfield after the declaration at Aldersley Stadium.

Sureena Brackenridge (centre, with rosette)

She said: "Ian was a political giant, I was always grateful for his support and guidance. He will always be an inspiration for me. I promise Ian's legacy will live on. We will never forget him.

The new MP added: "I have to thank the electorate of Wolverhampton and Willenhall for placing their trust in me and Labour. This vote represents the support for a Labour Party fully focussed on the needs of working people, our commitment includes economic security, lowering your bills, rebuilding our NHS and securing our borders. Kier Starmer understands what needs to be done. There is no magic wand, no easy route. We are a changed Labour Party and now is the time to deliver change in the country.

"I have seen how people are struggling in my former job as a deputy head, the time has ended for the sticky plaster of populism, Labour will be laser focussed on delivering change."

The turnout in the constituency was 47.23 per cent.

Sureena Brackenridge - Labour: 14,282

Jane Stevenson - Conservative: 8,860

Kwaku Tano-Yeboah - Green Party: 1,424

Peter Thornton - Liberal Democrats: 1,002

Paul Williams - Reform UK: 7,721