Express & Star

Stourbridge election result in full: Labour reclaim seat lost in 2010 in Dudley triple triumph

Cat Eccles is the new MP for Stourbridge after a night of drama at the town's Crystal Leisure Centre.

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She beat incumbent Suzanne Webb by over 3,000 votes in a triple triumph for Labour at Stourbridge, which also saw candidates elected in Halesowen and Dudley, ousting sitting Conservative MPs.

In the case of Stourbridge Labour reclaimed a seat they lost 14 years ago, the Conservatives holding it from 2010, first with Margot James and then Suzanne Webb from 2019.

Defeated Suzanne Webb stands next to Cat Eccles on the stage at Stourbridge's Crystal Leisure Centre

Ms Eccles, who already serves as a councillor for the Wollaston and Stourbridge ward on Dudley Council, works for the NHS and said one of her priorities was to get the waiting lists of 'tens of thousands of people' down.

She said: "It really is the honour of my life to have the opportunity be able to represent the place I love and call home. This is a historic moment, not just for Stourbridge, but for the whole country as Labour has only ever won from opposition three times.

"Britain has been crying out for change and the Labour party can make a tangible difference to people's lives.

"We have a third of children living in poverty, tens of thousands of people on NHS waiting lists, record numbers of food bank parcels handed out, people not being able to afford their own homes and rocketing energy bills. It doesn't have to be this way though, Labour will focus on the priorities of working people including stabilising the economy, bringing down those bills, putting more police on the streets and fixing the NHS.

"it will require hard work and dedication but we and I are ready to serve and get on with this job which doesn't come with a silver bullet – there is a lot of work to do but I promise we will serve and take back control not from innocent minorities but from a cruel, self-serving, outgoing government."

New Stourbridge MP Cat Eccles receives congratulations from Labour leader on Dudley Council Pete Lowe

Ms Webb said she had loved being an MP in the constituency with the people making it a great place to live and work.

She also promised to 'stay on top of' the Justice for Ryan campaign which aims to highlight the case of murdered youngster Ryan Passey and bring his killer to justice – she has been involved in the fight and has brought the issue up in Parliament a number of times.

"We will decide in political history what has happened but at the moment I just want to thank all the residents who wished me well in the campaign from those on the doorstep to others I have met, it has been a pleasure to serve as your MP for five years."

The full results were:

Christopher Bramall - Liberal Democrats: 1,607

Cat Eccles - Labour: 15,338

Stephen Price - Green Party: 1,732

Mohammed Ramzan - Workers Party of Britain: 1,067

Richard Shaw - Reform UK: 7,869

Suzanne Webb - Conservative: 12,265

The turnout in Stourbridge was 58.6 per cent.