Express & Star

Speculation over cabinet role for Wolverhampton MP who Sir Keir Starmer rang after exit poll

One of the first people Sir Keir Starmer phoned after last night's historic exit poll was Wolverhampton MP Pat McFadden.

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Keir Starmer and Pat McFadden at the Hail the Ale bar in Wolverhampton

The futures of the Labour leader and his campaign co-ordinator have been inextricably linked since the moment the Wolverhampton South East MP accepted the job.

The pair speak "pretty much every day" and tackled the party's election strategy, manifesto and direction together and pulled off one of the biggest landslides ever.

The 59-year-old Scotsman said he was "waiting like everyone else" to see if the new Prime Minister will reward him with a cabinet job. If the phone does ring, it could be by the end of today.

Mr McFadden knew when he accepted campaign co-ordinator his entire career in politics would be judged on success or failure of this General Election.

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