Express & Star

Cannock Chase election result: Labour take Tory seat back for first time since 2010

Labour's Josh Newbury said he is "looking forward to getting stuck in" to his new role as Cannock Chase MP after beating the Conservatives to a seat they have held since 2010.

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The newly-appointed MP received a roaring cheer at Chase Leisure Centre in the small hours of Friday when the result was announced.

There was a tense atmosphere at the count as five candidates battled it out to take the winning spot while counters hurriedly sifted through thousands of ballot papers with the help of coffee and energy drinks.

Josh Newbury earlier this week

But it was a clear win for Mr Newbury who topped the leaderboard with 15,671 votes, marking an end to Conservative Amanda Milling's time in the role, which she has held since 2015.

Ms Milling racked up 12,546 votes, with Reform UK candidate Paul Allen following closely behind with 11,570 votes.

Amanda Milling lost her seat

Meanwhile, Green Party candidate Andrea Muckley took home 2,137 votes, while the Liberal Democrats' Elizabeth Jewkes tallied 1,029.

Mr Newbury said he was "ecstatic" at the result and pledged to "do his best" for the towns and villages in the Cannock Chase district, which include Cannock, Rugeley and Hednesford.

Reform candidate Paul Allen took home more than 11,000 votes

The Labour candidate told the Express & Star: "The faith that people have placed in me is really humbling - we had to break a record swing to get this result so the fact that we have done it is incredible.

"I am just looking forward to getting stuck in with the job really, and try to do my best for the towns and villages in our area.

"The swell of support we have had, not just from our local area but far and wide as well, has been absolutely incredible.

"That team effort is why we got the result at the end of the day, we wouldn't have got that without the people who came out and helped us.

"I had my mum and my sister, my brother-in law and my husband here as well. My mother-in-law is at home looking after our four-year-old daughter so the masses of support we have had from our family has been a huge help.

Green Party candidate Andrea Muckley was pleased with the result

"I really couldn't have done this without my family's support so I am really grateful to them."

Mr Newbury ­– who is also a Cannock Chase councillor serving the Norton Canes ward – said he plans to continue in his role as councillor until March next year to "avoid having a by-election at public expense".

He added: "I will obviously be giving my allowance up, but I will be giving it to charity."

The Labour candidate said he now hopes to "speak up" for towns and villages in Parliament in his new position, alongside working to re-open the minor injuries unit at Cannock Chase Hospital.

He further revealed plans to regenerate town centres in his constituency and said he already has a project "ready to go" in Cannock town centre.

Counters sifted through thousands of ballot papers until the early hours

Mr Newbury celebrated his big win by gathering with his agent and supporters but said he plans to "have a good sleep" as well.

There was less cause for celebration for the Conservatives' Amanda Milling, who will leave her position as MP for the district after nine years.

Taking to the stage at Chase Leisure Centre, Ms Milling thanked election staff and her fellow candidates and went on to show her appreciation to her voters.

Ballot boxes arrived in style at Cannock Leisure Centre

She said: "I want to thank those volunteers who have worked so hard, have walked miles with me over the last few weeks.

"I have to say it has been a real privilege to serve as an MP for Cannock Chase, a place that I love, for the last nine years.

"I have loved every single minute of it and I am really proud of what we have achieved and being able to help those thousands of constituents who have come to me over the years.

"I would also like to thank the residents of Cannock Chase for the support they have given me over the years and to everyone who voted for me tonight."

A total of 77,068 residents registered to vote in the Cannock Chase district

Meanwhile, Green Party candidate Andrea Muckley – who is also a councillor serving Hednesford Hills and Rawnsley Ward – said she was "really excited" to see the number of people who had voted for her.

Ms Muckley told the Express & Star: "The Green policies go really well in Cannock Chase because of course we have our natural landscape and it makes a big difference that we are surrounded by so much beauty, we really need to preserve it, and I think people understand that now and want to take steps to do it.

"I am still a local councillor and I will continue to fight for my residents, and as a party we have county council elections coming next year so who knows what that will look like.

"We always as a local party fight for our residents, look after our environment and I think that won't change no matter what the outcome was at tonight's election."

This year's election in Cannock Chase saw a lower turnout than previous years, with 56 per cent of people voting compared to 61.9 per cent in 2019.