Express & Star

New leader of Wolverhampton's opposition Conservative group announced

Councillor Simon Bennett has been elected the new leader of Wolverhampton's opposition Conservative group following the suspension of his predecessor.


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The member for Bushbury North was elected at a meeting of the group, after Councillor Wendy Thompson was suspended by the party over bullying allegations. Councillor Thompson is appealing the decision.

Councillor Bennett, first elected to the council in 2018, has served as deputy leader of the Conservative group since 2022, and has served on many of the council’s important scrutiny panels and committees,including the ethics committee and planning committee.

Speaking after his election, Councillor Bennett expressed optimism about the future direction of the Conservative group and the opportunities ahead, with the next elections due to take place in 2026.

"I’m honoured to have the backing of my colleagues and to be elected as Leader of the Conservative group," he said.

Councillor Simon Bennett, new opposition leader of Wolverhampton Council

"This city is at a crucial juncture, and under the current Labour-led administration, it is clear that Wolverhampton is facing challenges that require urgent attention.

"We are witnessing issues that this authority will struggle to overcome if they continue down their current path."

Councillor Bennett said a future Conservative-led council would restore pride, responsibility, and progress in Wolverhampton.

He said he would work with his colleagues to develop a bold and innovative agenda that puts residents first, driving real change across the city.

"Labour has a record of failure in the city, and we will work tirelessly to ensure that by the time the next elections come around, the people of Wolverhampton see a viable, strong alternative in us. That is the priority."

Councillor Thompson, who has sat on the council for 34 years, had led the Conservatives in Wolverhampton for 10 years.

Suspended: Councillor Wendy Thompson

But she was suspended by the party in July following two complaints, one believed to be from a member of council staff who alleged racial discrimination after being moved to another post, and the other by a party official. She remains a member of the council.

Councillor Thompson, who represents Tettenhall & Wightwick ward, said one of the complaints related to a new member of council staff who failed to complete his probationary period at work.

"Because he was not up to the job, I kindly suggested he moved to a better job.

"He has returned this act of kindness by very spitefully lodging a complaint."

She said the same man had also lodged a complaint against Wolverhampton Council.

She also observed that her suspension came just weeks after the party also removed Councillor Mike Bird from his role as leader of Walsall Council.

Former Labour councillor Celia Hibbert, who now sits as an independent, said she was disgusted to read about Councillor Thompson's suspension.

"I hope the new Conservative 'woke' mob has not arrived in Wolverhampton," she said.

"I'm a bit surprised as the only African councillor in the City of Wolverhampton that I’ve not been contacted by whoever is investigating this to share my experience about Councillor Thompson.

"Although Councillor Thompson is of a different political party to me, she is one that I can happily vouch for as not having a racist bone in her body."