Greens choose mayoral candidate
The Green Party has selected charity worker Siobhan Harper-Nunes as its candidate to become the elected mayor for the West Midlands.

Mrs Harper-Nunes, who previously stood in the 2022 Erdington parliamentary by-election, will be challenging incumbent mayor, the Conservative Andy Street, and Richard Parker, who will be standing for the Labour Party.
Mrs Harper-Nunes said her focus would be on making the West Midlands Combined Authority work harder for 'left behind' communities, increasing accountability to residents, and taking more action on climate change.
She is the founder of Shakti Women, which provides coaching and training to support women in personal and professional development, and is also serves as vice-chairman of Birmingham Race Impact Group.
She said: "What we have at the moment is just not working for the people of the West Midlands.
“Too many places in the West Midlands are still underfunded and left behind, and this has barely changed over the past seven years. I will relentlessly focus on how we help our left-behind communities and tackle the cost-of-living crisis.
“Action on the climate is too little and too late. For example, greater action on warmer homes so people don’t have to choose between eating and heating.”