Dudley Council posts new allowances and stipends for members
Dudley Council has revealed its new allowances for councillors, cabinet members and committee chairs.

The council outlined in a public notice how much the elected representatives will get after a cost of living increase.
It said: "Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council member's allowances scheme, notice is hereby given that the council has adopted a scheme of members' allowances in line with recommendations made by an independent remuneration panel.
"The allowance rates have been implemented in line with provisions for the variation of allowances in line with the agreed cost of living pay increases for local authority staff.
"The main features of the scheme are the payment of a basic allowance of £12,143 per annum to each councillor; special responsibility allowances recognising positions with significant additional responsibilities; arrangements for travel and subsistence; provisions concerning multiple special responsibility allowances; and provisions for carer’s allowance."
"Copies of the independent panel’s report, the allowances scheme and records of payments are available for inspection at the Council House, Priory Road, Dudley during office hours."
Dudley Council comprises of 72 councillors, all of whom are up for election next year, after alterations in wards announced by the Boundary Commission for Local Government.
The two most powerful positions on the authority, which are from the controlling party which is currently the Conservatives, get the most money.
The Leader of the Council, currently Councillor Patrick Harley, £28, 516, the Deputy Leader of the Council, currently Councillor Paul Bradley £22,552.
Members of Dudley Council's Cabinet are entitled to £16,235. There are currently ten members of the cabinet, Councillor Patrick Harley, Leader (Policy); Councillor Paul Bradley, Deputy Leader and Communities and Economic Delivery; Councillor Matt Rogers, Adult Social Care; Councillor Ruth Buttery; Children’s Services and Education; Councillor Rob Clinton, Climate Change; Councillor Phil Atkins, Corporate Strategy; Councillor Steve Clark, Finance, Legal and Human Resources; Councillor Damian Corfield, Highways and Environmental Services; Councillor Laura Taylor-Childs, Housing and safer communities, and Councillor Ian Bevan, Public Health.
The official opposition, Labour, also have paid positions, the Leader of the Opposition Councillor Pete Lowe, gets £12,769 and Deputy Leader of the Opposition Councillor Judy Foster gets £10,087, whereas opposition spokespersons, get £7,277.
The councillors who chair committees also get a stipend. Those who chair the scrutiny committees, including audit and standards, get £10,812. The vice-chairs get £5,213.
The chair of planning committee gets £12,635, the vice chair £5,919. The chairs of licensing, safety and taxi committees get £10,812, the vice chairs £5,213.