Dudley taxpayers to stump up part of £30 million shortfall for one Metro stop
Dudley taxpayers will be asked to fork out part of a £30 million shortfall to fund one leg of a troubled Metro extension.
Transport chiefs in the region are scrambling to raise the cash to complete the Wednesbury to Brierley Hill line, which has shot up in cost by 45 per cent to £645m.
Their plans to meet a £180.6m funding gap have been revealed in a private report presented to the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) board.
It says that Dudley Council will contribute towards a capital cost of £30m for Phase 2b – the one stop between Waterfront and Merry Hill.
The council's leader, Councillor Patrick Harley, said it was "only fair" that Dudley contributed towards the line, which he insisted still represents value for money despite cost hikes.