Express & Star

Wolverhampton MP promoted in Rishi Sunak's reshuffle

Stuart Anderson MP has been promoted to a more senior ministerial role in Rishi Sunak's administration.

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Wolverhampton South West MP Sturart Anderson

The Conservative MP for Wolverhampton South West has been appointed government whip in the Prime Minister's first reshuffle, having served as an assistant whip since July 2022.

The role – which has the official title Lord Commissioner of HM Treasury – will see him share responsibility for party discipline and organising Tory MPs in the Commons.

Mr Anderson said: “I am delighted to have been asked by the Prime Minister to continue serving in His Majesty’s Government at this critical time in our nation’s history.

"As a Lord Commissioner, I will continue to share responsibility for organising my party’s contribution to parliamentary business.

"I look forward to supporting the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to deliver on the nation’s priorities to halve inflation, grow the economy, reduce debt, cut waiting lists, and control our borders."

Mr Anderson was appointed assistant whip by Boris Johnson and continued in the same role under Liz Truss.

He has been credited with playing a key role in steadying the ship in the wake of the chaotic fracking vote in October, which saw then chief whip Wendy Morton and her deputy, Craig Whittaker, both resign.

Dudley South MP Mike Wood also serves in the whips' office, as an assistant government whip.