Chiefs to press on with leisure centre plan after 'flawed' funding bid fails
Council chiefs in Lichfield are set to press ahead with plans for a new leisure centre despite failing in a bid for levelling up cash.

The district council had bid for £15.7m from the Government's Levelling Up Fund to build for a replacement for Friary Grange Leisure Centre.
But the bid came to nothing – with Lichfield Tory MP Michael Fabricant saying the application was so flawed that it was not even considered by ministers.
Having now failed twice in bids for levelling up cash, bosses have vowed to press on with the scheme using £10m from the council's own coffers.
Lichfield District Council leader, Councillor Doug Pullen, said: “Although we are disappointed that our bid has been turned down, we were aware there was an only an outside chance of it being approved.
"Therefore, we have been working behind the scenes so that we were prepared for this eventuality as we are committed to delivering the facilities that our residents have shown they want.
"We have identified funding, are in a position to allocate it to the project and have a clear timeline in place to deliver this vital facility by the end of next year."
The council said it was able to fund the scheme through "prudent budgeting and the transformation of council services", while not increasing council tax bills for residents.
Mr Fabricant said he was "very disappointed" that the bid had failed and that a "more convincing argument" was needed to secure the funding. "I am told that flaws in the application meant it did not even reach the minister’s desk for consideration; it was ruled out by department officials as not meeting the required criteria.
"Consequently, ministers did not even get a chance to consider the bid. As with the levelling up first round, ministers have offered to provide face to face training to council officers in how to make a successful bid and I hope this will be taken advantage of.
"A third levelling up round will soon be announced and I hope, if Lichfield District acquire the expertise, it will be third time lucky for this or another project."
On February 14 Lichfield Council's ruling Cabinet will recommend £10m be set aside for the scheme, which will see a new facility built at Stychbrook Park, off Curborough Road.
It will then go before full council on February 28 for final approval, with work scheduled to start in October should planning permission be granted.
The leisure centre will feature a six-lane 25 metre swimming pool, a vending area, a dance studio, a changing area for outdoor activity, a 3G pitch, a 80-station fitness and toning suite, Spin Studio and cycling points.
More than 100 areas received cash from the latest round of the levelling up fund, although only three out of more than a dozen bids from the Black Country and Staffordshire were successful.
A third round of bidding is due to be announced in the coming days.