Express & Star

Wolverhampton Tree of Light charity scheme backed by MP

A Wolverhampton MP has urged people to raise money for charity by remembering a loved one this Christmas.

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Rotarian Allen Roberts at the Tettenhall Remembers Christmas Tree of Light

Stuart Anderson has backed Tettenhall Rotary Club's annual 'Tree of Light' scheme, which encourages members of the public to remember a loved one or send a message of thanks to the NHS, a friend, a neighbour or to someone who has helped them.

The names of those that are remembered and the message will be displayed on a digital 'Christmas tree of light' on a giant screen at Peter James Property in Tettenhall Village.

A minimum donation of £5 per name is suggested, with all proceeds going to good causes around the city, including Compton Care.

Wolverhampton South West MP Mr Anderson, said: "I am proud to be supporting The Rotary Club of Tettenhall’s Tree of Light once again this year in their efforts to raise money for Compton Cares and other good causes.

"Over the years, The Rotary Club of Tettenhall has raised thousands of pounds for good causes during the Christmas period, and it would be fantastic if we could come together to support them this year too."

Stuart Anderson MP has backed the scheme

The scheme has been organised by Rotarians including Allen Roberts and Mike Unwin. Mr Unwin said: "The money raised will be used to help many local charities and good causes.

"We are indebted to the support we receive from local businesses, traders, church and school organisations and most importantly the generous people of Wolverhampton without whom we could not raise the money to run our important charity fundraising schemes."

Visit for more information and to make a donation. The tree will remain on display until the end of December.

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