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'Simply unaffordable': Wolverhampton MPs speak out on cost of living crisis

Millions of UK households are facing untold poverty through the soaring cost of living – and the crisis will only escalate unless the Government acts now, Wolverhampton’s MPs said this week.

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Jane Stevenson MP and Pat McFadden MP

Both Conservative MP Jane Stevenson and Labour MP Pat McFadden said they were engaged in a constant battle with government bosses to safeguard their poorest and most vulnerable constituents for the long term.

A spokesman for Wolverhampton South West MP Stuart Anderson said he has unable to comment on the issue since being  promoted to the post of Assistant Government Whip on July 8.

Ms Stevenson, MP for Wolverhampton North East, said: “Obviously this is a worrying time for everyone, and I’ve spoken to both candidates in the leadership contest about the need for ongoing support for people. I also had a meeting yesterday with the Chancellor and other colleagues to speak about how we address this, and he is already working on the next stages of support.

“Support already announced will see the most vulnerable receive £1,200, and the vast majority of people in Wolverhampton NE receive at least £550 from the £400 support in autumn and the £150 council tax rebate. In addition to this, the council has received £2.7 million of Household Support Fund (HSF), which must be spent by September.

“Further HSF will then be sent to the council to cover the winter months, and both leadership candidates have said other direct support will be announced as soon as they are in post in September.

“I think support should be targeted at those who need it most. That isn’t just people in receipt of benefits, but also those on low and middle incomes. Blanket schemes – as Labour are now suggesting – save the richest people the most money,” she added.

“Until the war in Ukraine ends, gas prices will stay high and in this extraordinary situation we do need to make sure people are cushioned from such a steep rise in costs.”

Ms Stevenson also outlined her three priorities for government action:

  • Ongoing financial help to low and middle income households by direct payments and lowering taxes. Also making sure people know about the millions of pounds of extra funding available via the local council and how they can apply for this.

  • Emergency support to small and medium businesses, many of whom have to use a lot of energy. "We cannot have businesses going under and job losses adding to the crisis," she said.

  • "While the most urgent focus must be on getting families through the next 12 months, we must also think long-term," she said. "I would require energy companies to invest in our domestic energy supply for the future. Some European countries are still reliant on Russian gas, and continue to fund Putin’s war. We must look at the UK’s future energy security, including our natural/gas resources and new nuclear options."

Labour’s Pat McFadden, MP Wolverhampton South East, added: “The biggest issue facing my constituents right now is rocketing energy bills.  People are facing rises of double and triple what they were paying previously and they just can’t afford it.  Small businesses are also under huge pressure.

“And there is great worry about these rises becoming even bigger next year, with barely a day going by without a new survey saying they will go up even more than expected.

“The kinds of rises being talked about are simply unaffordable for many people.  They will push millions of families into poverty and force terrible choices on people as they try to sacrifice other essentials to pay their energy bills.  And it’s all happening at a time of rising inflation generally, with food and other prices also going up.

“The help announced so far will not be enough to stave off severe hardship for people.  That’s why Labour has proposed that prices be frozen at their current levels.  This could be done by extending and backdating the windfall tax on the oil and gas companies, removing the investment allowances which give one third of the proceeds back to the same companies who are making so much out of the current situation, and using the funds the Government has already set aside for helping people."

Mr McFadden added: “Freezing bills would allow people to plan for the winter and ease the crushing financial burden coming towards people. When the new Prime Minister is elected they will have to act.

“We have put forward a proposal that could ease this burden. They should adopt this proposal and freeze bills over this winter period.”