University students may have to self-isolate to return home for Christmas - Gavin Williamson
University students may be forced to self-isolate at the end of term before they are allowed to return home for Christmas, Gavin Williamson has said.
The Education Secretary said some universities may also have to stop in-person teaching in the run up to the holidays in a bid to minimise the risk of spreading Covid-19.
In a statement to the Commons the South Staffordshire MP moved to dispel fears that students may be stuck at university over Christmas due to lockdown restrictions.
Under new plans some students may still have to self-isolate at the end of term if they test positive or have been in contact recently with someone who has had the virus.
It is understood that universities will be expected to support students who have to stay on due to restrictions.
Mr Williamson told MPs: "I know there has been some anxiety about the impact safety measures will have on the Christmas holidays.
"Students are important members of the communities that they choose to study in. We expect them to follow the same guidance as those same local communities.
"We are going to work with universities to make sure that all students are supported to return home safely and spend Christmas with their loved ones if they choose to do so.
"In this context, it is essential we put in place measures to ensure this can happen while minimising the risk of transmission.
"Where there are specific circumstances that warrant it, there may be a requirement for some students to self-isolate at the end of term and we will be working with the sector to ensure this will be possible, including ending in-person learning early if that is deemed to be necessary."
He added: "Students as well as the wider community accept when we are living in a global pandemic we have to operate in a society with restrictions."
Mr Williamson said the Department for Education would publish guidance covering the measures shortly "so that every student will be able to spend Christmas with their family".
University chiefs in the West Midlands have urged Ministers to ensure that students are not prevented from seeing their families at the end of term.
Vice chancellor at the University of Wolverhampton, Professor Geoff Layer, said: "We expect students to be at home for Christmas but we will put measures in place if the situation changes."
Larissa Kennedy, president of the National Union of Students (NUS), claimed on Monday that some of those self-isolating felt they were being “trapped” in “disgusting conditions”.
Mr Williamson said universities have been asked to provide “additional help and practical support” to students, with universities ensuring those isolating are “properly cared for” and can access food, medical and cleaning supplies if needed.