Send in your questions for Brexit minister Stephen Barclay
Express & Star readers have made their views crystal clear in calling for MPs to oppose Theresa May's Brexit deal when it goes before the Commons next week.

Now the Government's Brexit Secretary wants to answer your questions on the deal – and any other issues relating to the UK's departure from the EU.
Stephen Barclay, who replaced Dominic Raab in the role last month, has vowed to address directly the concerns of E&S readers over the Prime Minister's Brexit agreement with Brussels.
He wants you to send in your questions now, with the E&S selecting the best of them for him to tackle.
Mr Barclay, who backed Leave in the EU referendum, said: "Brexit is a huge issue for this country.
"We're approaching a key moment in this process, where MPs will soon get to vote on the Prime Minister's deal – a deal that delivers on the results of the referendum.
"I'm keen to answer questions from the Express & Star's readers about what this means for them and for the Black Country and Staffordshire."
Mr Barclay's responses will be run in full in this newspaper ahead of the Commons vote on December 11.
The vote is the final major hurdle for the Prime Minister in her efforts to push the UK over the Brexit line at the end of March.
But she has faced widespread opposition since agreeing her plans with the EU last month.
Around two thirds of MPs – including elected members from all political parties – are expected to oppose the deal in its current form, a move which could prompt political chaos.
As well as a likely Conservative leadership battle, it would also open up the possibility of a 'no deal' Brexit, something Mr Barclay says the Government is keen to avoid.
He has urged MPs to reflect on the 'uncertainty' that would stem from Britain leaving the bloc without a deal, and insisted Mrs May's agreement with the EU was the only proposal on the table.
Mr Barclay said: “We have a deal on the table, it’s the only deal that respects the referendum result that Brexiteers like me campaigned for that allows us to put an end to freedom of movement, to have control over not sending vast sums of money to the EU.
“So it delivers on what Brexiteers like me campaigned for, but it avoids the uncertainty of the alternative which is no deal no Brexit.”
Email questions to: All questions must be received by 4pm on Wednesday December 5, and must include your full name and the area you are from. Due to time constraints questions can only be submitted via email.