Express & Star

Eleanor Smith 'excessively negative' over local Labour party

A city MP has been admonished for giving an 'excessively negative view' of her own constituency Labour party.

Eleanor Smith

Wolverhampton South West Labour (WSW) asked Eleanor Smith to explain claims she made that members of her constituency party failed to back her in the run up to her general election victory last year.

Ms Smith told a meeting of the Prospect trade union last October that she was 'foisted' upon members of the WSW party, who made her feel like 'cannon fodder'.

She put her success in the election down to the efforts of hard-left Momentum campaigners and Unison.

Her comments came to light when a video of the meeting was put on Youtube.

Watch the video below

Asked to explain her comments, the MP insisted that a 'misinterpretation' had occurred and that she had not 'intended to cause any harm or offence to anyone'.

But her explanation did not go down well with all members.


Minutes from the last CLP meeting noted: "Opinions ranging from strong support of her video statement to strongly critical were expressed and there was a mixed response as to whether the subsequent clarification went far enough.

"At its conclusion the following statement was agreed: 'The video gave an excessively negative view of the role of CLP members in the General Election campaign, but the EC noted that in her response to the EC she did acknowledge the very positive support she had from many members'."

In her explanation, Ms Smith wrote: "In regards to the comments I had made at that forum it was not my intention to cause any harm or offence to anyone.

"On reviewing the video I can see where the misinterpretation has occurred. The talk I gave was referring to the beginning of the campaign, this of course was not a reflection on the people who supported me throughout it.

"In hindsight greater emphasis should have been focus on the positive part as well, which was at the end of my talk in the video."