Express & Star

Andy Street picks top team for first mayoral term

West Midlands Mayor Andy Street has named his top team for his first term in office.

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Andy Street

The leaders of the four Black Country councils have all been given key roles in Mr Street's inaugural West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) administration, which is set to run until 2020.

It comes as the Mayor opened up three regional offices, including one in the Wolverhampton Civic Centre.

Wolverhampton Council leader Roger Lawrence has been given the transport portfolio, while new Dudley Council leader Patrick Harley has taken over as lead for the environment.

Sean Coughlan, the leader of Walsall Council, will take charge of housing, and Sandwell Council leader Steve Eling will oversee inclusion and community cohesion.

The posts are set to be rubber stamped at a WMCA board meeting tomorrow (Friday).

Former John Lewis boss Mr Street said: "These appointments will help deliver my mayoral priorities and the priorities of the WMCA.

“Each area is vitally important and the portfolio holder will work with politicians of officers across the West Midlands to help deliver the homes, jobs, skills and other targets we need.”

In addition to the appointment of the portfolio holders, the Mayor is proposing a Business Advisory Group to be act as the ‘voice of business’ to the WMCA.

Mr Street said: “I am absolutely clear that business needs to play a key part in the WMCA and that is why I will set up this group which will include organisations like the Chambers of Commerce, CBI, Institute of Directors and Federation of Small Businesses.

“As we move into the Brexit negotiations, it is going to be more important than ever that the voice of business is heard.”

Mr Street opened his new office in Wolverhampton last week as part of his vow to be a Mayor for the entire region.

He has also set up desks at both Birmingham and Coventry council houses.