Prime Minister Theresa May savages Jeremy Corbyn as the gloves come off
On the day the Wolves boss finally received the chop, Theresa May arrived in town hoping that it will be voters here who keep her in the top job.

Sporting the Tories Royal Blue colours, she entered the ring at Wolverhampton's former Low Level railway station from the right (where else?) ready to land some knockout blows in the fight to Number 10.
She was carrying wounds after a pummelling over her disastrous social care proposals while, having come out of the previous night's Paxman grilling relatively unscathed, a resurgent Jeremy Corbyn has proved he is far from out for the count.
But Mrs May – that b***** difficult woman – was having none of it.
She donned a pair of boxing gloves at the despatch and landed one squarely below Jezza's midriff.
"Jeremy Corbyn's aides may have put him in a smart suit for TV last night ," she remarked.
"But he will be 'alone and naked' in the EU negotiating chamber."
"I know it is an image that doesn't bear thinking about," she added.
She is not known for cracking gags but rather than provoke laughter this sucker punch had the local Tory faithful and the travelling press pack reaching for the sick bucket.
Strong and stable suddenly had a whole different meaning when thinking about comrade Corbyn in all his splendour. Eeew!
Mrs May was ruthless in her assault of the Labour leader and ploughed on undeterred.
"I am clear about the instruction I have been given, clear about what needs to be done, and ready to get on with the job on day one – while Jeremy Corbyn doesn’t have the belief, the will or the plan to deliver Brexit."
Bang! Bang! Bang!
"And he doesn’t have the strength to do so either."
It was just getting cruel.
Forget fox hunting – this was real savagery.
Meanwhile as the PM arrived in city she was greeted to a warm welcome not normally extended to Tory politicians.
Diners abandoned their piri piri chicken to catch a glimpse of the self-styled Titan in Queen Street.
"Stay strong," shouted one punter while others waved and cheered.
The sparring is over and now the gloves are coming off.
How will Jeremy the pacifist respond?