Flashback to 2008: Historic mill is brought back to life
Back in 2008, champagne corks were popping at a celebration to mark the reopening of an historic mill.

Daniels Mill was brought back to life after being damaged during the previous summer's flash floods, which also caused devastation along the Severn Valley Railway line between Bridgnorth and Kidderminster.
The 38ft cast iron wheel at the tourist attraction in Bridgnorth was put out of action after a wall was pushed forward due to the force of flood water.
The mill brings in hosts of tourists to the town every year, so local tradesman, a number of volunteers, and new trustees of Daniels Mill Trust spent months tirelessly restoring the site to its former glory
Around £140,000 was spent repairing the wheel and landscaping the area around the mill.
A celebration ceremony at the mill, was attended by members of the Daniels Mill Trust along with those who offered grants for the restoration work.
They included Shropshire County Council, Grantscape, Bridgnorth District Council, Advantage West Midlands and Midlands Mills Group.
Alan George, owner of Daniels Mill, said: “It’s still a family-run mill and my aim is to keep it that way.
“People have been ringing us while it has been closed asking when they can come, well it’s open now and they can come along and see a working mill.”
His son Ian George, one of the trustees, said he was delighted it was open again.
“The flood crashed the wall into the side of the wheel, which has meant the wheel hasn’t been turning for 12 months.
“It has been a very busy and stressful four months but the mill is now turning, everything is in place and it is starting to look like a working water mill again.
“We are absolutely over the moon," he added.
Alan's daughter, Anne Dingley, also one of the trustees, said, “Now all of the work has been completed we want to take the opportunity to thank our funding partners for their support.
"Within the last year lots of changes have taken place at the mill and now we are fully operational we want to let everyone know Daniels Mill is very much back in business”.
Bridgnorth district councillor Elizabeth Yeomans, who was also a member of the Daniels Mill Trust, said: “I think it’s tremendous that it’s come together again. They’ve worked so hard.
“The mill is such an important part of our heritage, I’m absolutely delighted to see it up and running again.”
She added: “The trust was only set up this year and it’s fantastic how it’s been put together.”
Tim Booth, of Midland Mills Group, said: “Initially we have provided encouragement over a long period of time to get the wheel back to the way it should be. I’m absolutely delighted to see it back.”