How can I make sure my car is working as efficiently as possible in hot weather?
Some simple tips and tricks can ensure that your vehicle can cope with warmer temperatures.

Though the UK might be better known for its wet and windy climate, it does, from time to time, have some warmer spells as well. During this time, cars undergo a significant change and they can struggle to deal with an increase in temperature.
Fortunately, there are some measures that you can take to ensure that your car is working as well as possible when the weather cranks up. Here, we’re going to look at just what you can do.
Check that fluids are at the right levels

Your car will really struggle if its fluid levels aren’t topped up to the right levels when things get warm. Without the right amount of the necessary fluids, it can’t regulate its temperature properly and could overheat.
So make sure that aspects such as the oil are topped up correctly, as well as the coolant which helps the car to maintain the right temperature. These operations can be done at home, but if you’re unsure then a trained professional will be able to help.
Ensure tyres are properly inflated

Warm weather can affect the pressure of your car’s tyres. A rise in temperature can see the pressures increase, too, so it’s a good idea to make sure that they’re inflated to the right levels. You shouldn’t over-inflate your tyres, either, as when the air inside them expands due to warm weather, there is a chance that they could blow out.
So use the recommended pressures for your vehicle. You’ll be able to find them in the vehicle handbook, or inside the fuel filler door. Some cars also have them on the sill area between the driver’s door and the vehicle itself.
Re-gas air conditioning if necessary

Air conditioning is something that can really help to take the edge of really hot weather. It’s a great system to have in the car and one which many new vehicles are fitted with. However, if your air-con isn’t blowing quite as cold as it should be, there might be a need to get it looked at.
One of the primary reasons for air-conditioning not being cold is a lack of refrigerant. This can be topped up with a ‘re-gas’ procedure and it’ll instantly make your air-conditioning back to its chilly best. Most car garages and even some motor part retailers offer this service, too.
Try parking car in shaded spot

One of the simplest ways to keep your car cooler is by parking it in a shady spot. A covered car-park is a great place to start, as it’ll provide all-around shade that can really drive down the temperature inside your car when it’s parked up.
You could leave it under a tree, too, but just remember that during summer many trees produce quite a large amount of sap which could be tricky to remove!
Get a windscreen sun protector
A reflective windscreen sun protector is another low-cost way to keep your car cool in the summer. All manner of retailers sell them and they don’t have to cost the earth, either.
They usually feature a shiny or reflective side which is placed facing ‘out’. This then helps to ‘bounce’ the sunlight back out and prevent it from entering the car.